Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What past,is past.

Time check , its 1.13am, i am stil not asleep yet although there is school tml. dont know want go anot :B . got pratical so go ^-^ . today got lectured by Mr adrian of class behaviour, teachers like to complain also. LOL. moodswing ah! lai ang ah lai ang :x . laughs,suddenly was thinking about last year, when i was Exvice chair, well so call an not so nice vice chair ah. teacher call me take down names, yet i was playing . LOL.so yeah, time pass fast , gonna buck up for maths and sci, xueqi , jiayou too ^-^ . okay, gonna do day 7 as it is a long post!

Day7-Your ex/crush.

I am going to talk about my ex. Okay, hmm. xueqi confirm know who is he ah, as she is rushing me to post this. asshole :B. Back to topic, this guy, which i know him during sports day uh. he sat behind me, before that, we got talk abit during class exchange period lah, but not so much. on that day, we talked and laughed . he was funny and cute. lol, he asked me for number , so yeah as friend i gave. soon, we began to text each other, morning till night. include lesson too ^^. As time passes, we have feelings with each other,heh. First, we have movie with the other two person. He was so sweet that he covered his uniform on me when im cold. His smell is nice.hah. at the day of 090409,we started an relationship with the other couple too. A lot of movies were watched tgt with the other couple. 28.4.09 something happened in the cinema, hah.I remembered when he passed me the ring, i was glad. Unfortunately, i lost it in that fcking 1183 901 bus, how careless was i . I didnt talk to him as i scared he was angry with me , but he told me , baby, im not angry with you , i can stil buy for you the ring, dont be scared okay. He treats me very good . yeah,he sent me home everytime we met. Sweet msgs will received every night.Though we have conflicts, but he gave in everytime.He helps me to carry books when he see im so tiring carrying so much books.He wont allow anyone to bully me. He does alot of stupid things like telling me alot of times i love you when we are talking on the phone. and best is he listens to me. He is really a good guy. extinct alrdy . Time passes, because of some misunderstanding we broke up .. i swear i cried for few days. It was solved, he asked for patched, but i didnt agree on it. He waited me for months, i stil likes him.. but idk why i dont wanna accept him. sigh. His feeling faded for me and fall for the other girl. Good for him.now he had his own relationship, and its a stable one, felt happy for him, and now i have baby. we lead our own life now. Not gonna think about past. what past is past . I enjoyed my life now, cause leon chee made me forgets him. i love baby deeply(: . happy 8 month in advance. Love you!

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