Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hello people . (: currently chatting with felicia that stupid unicorn LOL. She ask me love her ley, omg . shiyrong rocks most! (Y) unicorn second :p . Hehee, this few days always meet bi go school tgt ah, so miracle i nvr late always le leh! heeeeeeh, and and almost meeting him everyday ah! happyhappy^-^ . Today had teacher's day concert uh, aft that went to find bi;chee hahahah. tml meeting him again, Hahahahaa! AND sorry baby! today i accidentally push him , and he hit till one drawer, bleed okay. alotalotalot blood. ag, damn scary . sorrysorrysorry bby !! love you !

i love unicorn, qizhen & bby ! (hearts)

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