Monday, July 26, 2010

Yesterday went orchard and illuma with Jacqueline! hehe (: . Ate our lunch at Yoshinoya. keep talk about leon leon leon , now she say me! :B . and she said that i spend 8 hours with her 8 hours also talk about leon ! where got, also got talk abit bout H horr. Hahs. was fcuking tired looking for something -.- . in the end stil choose that thing ! HAHA. lol. Hmm, talk alot with her, although mostly is leon, lol. stil got other things about our lives~ Heh.and i know alot things from her! ha, had fun with her. reach home arnd 10 plus ~ went to bathe and fly to my bed ! hehe :P . Tml got massrun ah massrun, boring alrdy ! later kena say by mr jong again ! -.-

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