Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello people, long time since i blog. last time that blog is stil privating, i dont update there just want to keep some memories in there (: . so start a fresh here. xueqi asked me do the 30 letters, so i start now okay ^-^ .

Day 1 - Your best friend .

This stupid girl above, is my mimi (: . we just know each other this year, through baby ^-^ . She's funny sometimes but emo everytime because of D . and will be complaining to me from day to night . Laughs ,so cute.I always force her to eat with me! haha! she damn skinny okay. assnohole ;x. we likes to scold each other asshole,assnohole and angLL. LOL. Sometimes, we sing songs together. She knows me well. she's the only one who can tells me about leon, comfort me when i quarrel with baby. but not forgetting some other people. i still remember that time we in mrt playing finger guessing game, damn funny! HAHA. we played foundation on mrt. was damn disgrace. tsk. we diao each other some times HAHA. everytime she walk pass my class i will smile to her! (; .we went a lot places tgt, spend alot time chatting about L and D when we go out . haha . Sometimes i vent my anger on her , sorry !! >: . She likes tiger! and i brought her a tiger on her birthday (: .She doesnt go school at the date of 1. She likes to eat seaweeds , she likes to give me lanjiaobin HAHA. She always help me take things also . haah ! love her ttm . Sometimes she put me aeroplane ); but stil love her nah ! my best best sister! she'll listen to me when im down ! i want go more places with her, but this few weeks she no freedom ): . mimi ! i want go ktv with you , orchard , bugis , alot alot alot places uh! HAHAAHAHAHAH. a damn long post only for you leh. eheh happy not. HAHA. love
This girl up there. xueqi, was my 10 years best friend (: . yea this year we are drifting apart. She needs SL, QZ and K only. We didnt get close for long. along the 10 years, of course there is quarrels but also has happiness. i realised something, not gonna write it here, dont ask me i wont tell to anyone but only myself . Last year we were close at around april to may , we are happy that time. we went movies everyday aft school. but after M and G ends, our relationship is getting bad. sigh.but sometimes we do have laughters in school . we do go out together, had fun too . and we had h2h talk everytime.maybe i over sensitive lah. but overrall , she is still my best friend. even though she doesnt post me about best fren in her blog, i stil want post about her. Awaiting for us to be close together alright. Loveyou(: .

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