Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hello (: . Ton ystd, nothing much to say :o . caught The Sorcere's Apprentice 4/5 (: . Before that, went to eat mac with bby ^-^ . Tml is bby's birthday hehe , gonna meet him * winks *

Happy belated 7 month bby ^-^ .
Happy birthday in advance

Day 3 - Your parents

Basically , this is my mother. Sometimes we quarrel , but she always bring me watcch movie and shopping (: . She always give me the best things. Hehe.She will give me alot money on my birthday . She will buy me the things i want, she will pei me whenever i want go where (: . When i got case everytime , she forgave me. over and over again, but i disappointed her always. sorry! She's my best best mum !
This is my father (: . He very dote on us. He drove us to different places to eat everytime, drove us to shopping and Johor. He gave me alot money to shopping too ^-^ . whenever me and my mother were shopping , he will seat at starbuck or coffee bean to wait for us ! its like few hours okay . he brought maany things for us to eat too. (: . thanks dad

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